About Ragin' Ragan

Sarcastic sassypants who loves running, Zumba, bright colors, zombies, StoryPeople, laughing at herself, sparkles and shiny things! Previously diabetic, RR has changed her whole attitude towards health in the last two years. Adapting to a plant-based diet, she has reversed her diabetes, dropped her BP/Cholesterol, lost weight, feels amazing and has totally become addicted to exercise, strength training and fitness/health. By day, she's a social worker, and full-time single mommy to 3 rugrats. Running and exercise is squeezed in between dance, basketball, gymnastics and Girl Scouts. While raising kids, taking care of herself has gone to the back burner, but finding a supportive partner (her beloved GSkillet) and friends that share her addiction has made all the difference! Her drugs of choice are: meditation, pounding the pavement, reading, Zumba, healthy cooking/eating, and making self-care a priority and necessity, not just a luxury!

RR's Goals in Life:
  1. Get to a healthy weight (40 lbs down, goal in progress....) 
  2. Run a half marathon.
  3. Run a marathon. 
  4. Run a marathon at Disney World.
  5. Go on a meditation retreat.
  6. Go to an adults only resort somewhere tropical, lay on the beach and read.
  7. Visit France, England and Europe again. 
  8. Go rock climbing 
  9. Hike up Pike's Peak

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