Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Today's a New Day

And I need help. I know that nobody reads this blog.. yet. But I still hope that posting this keeps me accountable. Starting on August 1st, I have vowed to run/bike 150 miles for the month of August. This is, roughly broken down, 60 miles running and 90 miles biking. Fifteen miles/week running and 23 miles/week biking - more or less of either one, just to total 150 miles. If this weren't enough, I'm (and R.R., too) beginning ChaLEAN Extreme and a 200 Squat Challenge at the same time. Note my calendar page above. Crazy, am I?

Yes. Indeed, I am. You see, I've been eating very badly lately. Starting right after hitting my goal weight. As testimony to just how badly my food choices have been, let me just say that the scale has jumped 11lbs. In a week and a half. No joke. Now I know that I haven't truly gained all of that, that it's just fluctuation (I hope, I hope, I hope!), but it is obvious that I am well on the way to an impressive gain at the rate I've been going. I'm heading that off here. And exercising my ass off.

It may appear I'm overdoing it, and I may be. But I love exercise (you weren't questioning my sanity before?) and calendarizing (yes, I know that's not a word) it motivates me. And I'm using it as a distraction to get my mind off of the junk food. Comprende?

Other crazy people also motivate me. Hint, hint.

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